What are skin scents and why do we love them?

Perfume is considered to be the most exotic and sacred beauty product in the history of beauty and cosmetics. It is Egyptian who uses the perfume first. They made perfume by using wood Gum and natural oil and used as a body lotion for fragrance. After Egyptian Greek and Roman started using perfume. They used perfume after refined. On the Indian subcontinent, around 3300 BC to 1300 BC perfumery was established. Europeans in vents drinks and 17 century the healing properties of the perfume. The widespread use of perfume started from famous France's King Louis XIV. Egypt invents glass bottles for storing perfume but today different types of bottles of perfume available in the market according to the fragrance of the perfume. It has been used in almost everything and everywhere from sacred rituals and religious ceremonies to masking body Aroma and denoting the status and as a personal scent.


The use of fragrances has been evolved with us. Although many of us use perfume in the same way as used by the people before us. However, with the passage of time, we have discovered numerous ways to use scent in our lives. Invented our makeup collections with scented peach, cocoa, car air fresheners that hanging from the view mirror with multiple fragrances, scented hand sanitizers to brighten up evade while cleaning our hands and keeping us safe.


Though it is quite interesting to know that the hottest types of fragrance available in the world of perfumes right now is mysterious elusive and barely available that is "skin scent". Skin scent is the scent that enhances the scent or fragrance of your skin. Before making this discussion more intense let's first find out what skin sent is?


Skin scents are made from the molecule Iso E which is a synthetic molecule developed in an American corporation in the year 1973 at the lab of international flavors and fragrances Inc, that develops cosmetic actives, flavors, and scents. The smell of this sense is having a hint of musk and Woody fragrance. As the name suggests this type of scents remain very close to your skin and can be e feel detectable by yourself or the one who is very close to you physically. Molecule 01 is built around the skin scent molecule Iso E. It is having the tendency to isolate the molecule so that you can experience how it provides life on your skin. Probably this skin sense of smell differently on different people and provide the experience of personal aroma and vanished property to smell like nothing at all.


As many of us likes "no-makeup makeup" look for touching up our face with only a translucent powder to make us feel that we are doing something for ourselves and not for the world. By keeping this in mind the concept of skin scent has been evolved. Skin sent is the one that removes all the fears of being too much in every aspect. It protects you from being too glam, smelling too strong, or taking up too much space. It gives us the feeling of what we want as the fragrance remains closed to ourselves and the one who is close to us.

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